"El Perú es un país con gran diversidad biocultural, en donde diversos actores contribuyen desde la ciencia y la práctica, así como mediante saberes tradicionales, al desarrollo e implementación efectiva de soluciones basadas en la naturaleza."
The Cordillera Blanca Campesino Community, led by the Local Agricultural Research Committee (CIAL), in cooperation with the Instituto de Montaña and the Faculty of Environmental Sciences of the National University Santiago Antunez de Mayolo (UNASAM), are implementing the “Clean and Safe Water” project, in order to improve the quality of water contaminated by acid rock drainage (ARD) as an effect of deglaciation and climate change; and strengthen the community’s behavior in reducing disaster risks to their livelihoods (livestock and agriculture).
To this end, the team has proposed:
This initiative is part of the Punas Agua project and its recent recognition by Rare’s “Solution Search: Water Pollution & Behavior Change” contest.
(*) The bioremediation system is low-cost and uses simple techniques to capture metals from Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) in artificial wetlands. After treatment, the level of metals in the water is reduced to ranges approved for agricultural use.